shekhawati university previous year question paper pdf
M.Sc. (Previous) Examination, 2019
(Mathematics for Chemists)
Time Allowed: Three Hours
(3) (b) Define vectors with a chemical related example.
2 What are determinants? Explain with an example like Huckel theory?
4 The Maxwell Boltzmann distribution is a probability distribution of finding particles at certain speed v in dimensions. It has form of flv)= 4v?e Bv where A and B are positive constants. Using the chain rule and the oroduct rule findf(v)
6. Explain basic rules for integration?
7 Explain decomposition of NO2 mathematically by using suitable differential equation?
9 (a) How many different car number plates are possible with 3 letters followed by 3 digits?
(b) How many of above plates begin with ABC?
10. (a) Out of 800 families with 4 children each, the expected percentage of families having almost 2 girls, is :
(b) Define radial probability with an example?