pdusu exam paper 2016 Bonding in Solids

Bonding in Solids and Crystal structure:

Force between atoms. lonic bonds. Covalent and meallic bonds, Vander waal's and Hydrogen bonding. Periodicity in lattices, Basis, lattice point and space lattice, Translation vectors, U'nit and primitive cell, Crystal systems, Pack ing fractions for Simple Cubic (SC),
Bodi Centred Cubic (BCC). Face Centred Cubic (FCC) and Hexagonal lattice structures, Bravais space lattices. Crystallograpby and Diffraction:
Direction. planes and miller indices in a crystal lattice, Reciprocal lattice and its sig Conversich of SC and FCC structures in reciprocal lattice frame, Concept of crys. polycrs equation, Sady, lof crystals by X-rays: FWHM, Sherrer formula and Lattice Constants (for simple cubic structure), Electron and Neutron diffraction (qualitative).
Vapd amorphous materials, X-ray diffraction by solids: Laue and Braggs
Unit II

Band theory of solids:

Formation of bands, Periodic potential and Bloch Theorem, Number of states in the bands,
Kroning Penny model, Brilliuon zones, Crystal momentun and physical origin of effective mass, Negative Effective Mass and Holes, Energy dispersion relations: weak and tight binding.
Energy band Structures in Insulators, Conductors, Semiconductors. Concept of Direct and Irdirect bandgap in semiconductors. Cieneration and recombination of charge carriers, Mobiljty jcarriers, Hall Effect in semiconductors: Hall coefficient, Mobility, Charge carrier, concentratioh, Conductivity and Hall angte

Unit II Thermal propcrties of Materials:

Elaştic wases. Phonon, Phonon dispersion relations in monoatomic and dliatomic linear lattıce. Lattice heal capacily. Classical theory of specific heal, Dulong-Petit's law, Einstein and Debye's theors of specific heat of solids and limitatiuns of these models, concepi of Thernxoeleciri Power.

Paper I -Positive Psychology

Section A
1. Introduction : Definition, Goals and Assumptions of Positive Psychology; Relationship with other Branches of Psychology
2. Happiness: Meaning; Hedonic and Eudaemonic Viewpoint; Positive and Negative
Affect; Theoretical Viewpoints; Determinants and Sources; Authentic Happiness; Enhancement of Happiness and Wellbeing.
3. Positive Cognitive States and Processes: Self-Efficacy, Optimism, Hope, Mindfulness, Flow and Spirituality.
Section B
4. Virtues and Strengths of Character: Classification and Measures of Human Strengths,
Gallup's Clifton Strength Finder, VIA Classification; Identifying Personal Strengths.
5. Resilience: Meaning and Sources; Developmental and Clinical Perspective; Successful Aging and Growth through Trauma.
6. Self-Regulation and Self-Control: Meaning and Theories; Planning for Self- Regulation Success; Self-Regulation Problems - Goal Conflict, Goal Difficulty and Goal Disengagement.
Section C
7. Mental Health and Well-Being: Subjective Well-Being and Life Satisfaction, Social Well-Being and Psychological Well-Being, Complete State Model.
8. Emotional Intelligence: Meaning, Components and Theories; Enhancement of Emotional Intelligence.
9. Pro-Social Behavior: Empathy, Altruism, Gratitude and Forgiveness.
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