pdusu exam paper 2016

pdusu exam paper 2016 

"You can just imagine this being Clark Gable or Humphrey Bogart with Lauren Bacall, it’s such a great shot! And it says so much, I think a picture says a thousand words really, there’s a sensitivity there with her holding his arm." - Getty Images' Entertainment photographer, Dave Benett commenting on his photo of Victoria and David Beckham, 60th London Evening Standard Theatre Awards, London, 2014

Paper I: Quantum Mechanics and Spectroscopy

Work Load: Two hours Leciure per week
Scheme of Examination: First question will be of nine marks comprising of six short answer type parts each with answer not exceeding half a page. Remaining four questions will be set with one question from each of the unit and will be of six marks cach. Second to fifth question will have two parts namely (A) and (B) each carying three marks. Part (A) of second to fifth question shall be compulsory and Part (B) of these questions will have intemal choice.

Unit - I: Evolution of quantum physics

1. Difficulties of classical mechanies to explain: the black-body emission spectrun, specilis heat of solids. Plank quanta concept and radiation law, Photo electric effect and sin's axplanations. Compton effect, De-Broglie hypothesis, difiraction and interference expcriments of purticle (Davisson- Germier experinment).
2. Uncertalnty principle: position and monnentum, angle and angular momentua, energy and time. Applicution of uncertainly principle: (i) Gruund state energy of hydrogen atom. (ii) ground state encrgy of simple harmonic oscillator. (ii) Natural width of spectral lines, (iv) Non-existence of electron in nucleus.

i. Operators linear operators, product of two operators, cumhuting and non- commuting operators. simultaneous eigen tunctions and eigen values. orthogonal navefunctuns Herminian operators. their eigenvalues. Hermitian adiont operaiors.
Paper II - Psychological Testing and Assessment
1. Psychological Testing and Assessment-: -Definition, Difference between Testing and Assessment , Tools of Psychological AsSsessment Interview, Case History Data, bechavioral Observation, Computers as tools.
2. Psychological Test: Nature, Functionsand Uses of Psychological Test, Problem of test
Administration, History of Psychological Testing, Characteristics of good Psychological test
3. Psychological Test Development:-Conceptualization, Test Construction, Item analysis.
4. Reliability: Meaning, Types and Methods of Calculating Reliability.
5. Validity: Meaning, Types and Methods of Calculating Validity.
6. Norms: Meaning and Types of Norms.
7. Types of Psychological Tecsts: Group and Individual, Verbal, Non-verbal and Performance Test, Self-Report Inventories, Projective Techniques, Ethical Consideration in Assessment
8. Application of Psychological Testing: Educational, Counseling and Guidance,
Clinical and Organizational Setting.
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