pdusu exam paper B.Sc. Part-III


B.Sc. (Pass Course) Part-III
The number of paper's and the maximum marks for each paper together with the minimum marks required for a pass are shown against each subject separately. It will be necessary for a candidate to pass in the theory part as well as the practical part of a subject/paper. Wherever prescribed separately. Classification of successfulcandidates shall be as follows :First Division 60% of the aggregate marks prescribed at (a) Part first Second Division 48%
Examination excluding those obtained in the compulsory subject (b) Part Second Examination (c)
Part Third Examination taken together.
All the rest will be declared to have passed the Examination. If they obtain a minimum pass marks in each subject viz 36% No division shall be awarded at the Part First and Part Second Examinations:

Paper J: Quantum Mechanics and Spectrascopy

Work Loah Tie hours Lecture per week Scheme of Examination: First question will be of nine marks comprising of six short answer rype parts ench with answer not excepding half a page. Remaining four questions will be set with one question from each of the uait and will be of six marks
cach. Second to fith question will have two parts namely (A) and (B) cach carying
three marks Pan (A) of secoad to fifth question shall be compulsory and Part (B) of
these questions wil have intemal choice

Unit -I: Evolution of quantum physics

1. Dificulties of classical imechanies to esplain: the black-body entission spectrun, spel heat of solids. Plank quanta concept and radiation law, Photo elecric effect ki ip's cxplanations. Comptan effect, De-Broglie hypothesis, difiraction and interference experiments uf purticle (Davissour-Genaier experintent).
2. Uncortalaty principle pusition and ooutum, augle and angular momeati, energy and tine. Applicutiou of uncertainty principle: (i) Gruund state energy of Aydrogen aton, (i) graund state encrgy of simple harmonic oscillator, (ii) Natural width of spectral lincs, (iv) Non-exisience of electron in nucleus.
Operaters linear operators, produet of two operatars, cumnutinng ad non-counimuting perators. simukaneous eigen lunctions and cigen valucs. anhoganat avcfuncinn. Hlerminian uperalors. their eigenvalues, Hermitian adiunt eperators.
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