pdusu exam paper Environmental Biology

Environmental Biology

Environment and its concepts, hydrosphere, lithosphere and atmosphere. Natural resources: Conservation and management of natural resources: Renewable (forest, wildlife, water) and non renewable (soil, minerals and energy).
Environmental pollution : General outline and various types of pollution of water, air, soil. Sources and remedies for noise, radiation. Green House effect, Ozone layer depletion, El-Nino and La I Nina effects.
Basic concepts of bioaccumulation, biomagnifications, biodegradation of pollutants.
Impact of urbanization: Development and distribution of urban centers, factors, problems and solutions of urbanization, fauna of oriental region

Wildlife conscrvation:

Vanishing and threatened animals with special reference to Rajasthan, Wildlife managenm organization.
Space ecology: Space ecosystem, space problems and their solutions, colonization. efforts by Government and non Government
Section - C
Darwinism & Neo Darwinism, Lamarckism ard Neo Lamarckism, Natural selection
Variations, isolation, mutations. eigenvalues and eigenfunctions; expoctalion values of aperators: position momentum, encrgy, Ehrenfest theorem and complementarity, Concept of group and phase
velocity, wave packet, Gaussiaa wave packe, bra-ket notalion.
Uait - II: Sehredinger wave equatian and its solutioas
1. Schrodinger wave equation: general equation of wave propagation, propagation of maner waves, time dependent and time-independent Schrölinger equation, avefunction represertation (y), physical meaning of y. poperties and condilions on v. postulates of wave mechanics, operators, obser able and measurements; probubility current density.
2. Time independent Schrödinger equation, tationary state solution, one dimensional Fisblernt particle in one dimensional box, eigenfuncions and eigenvalues, discrete AMGMIS, generalization into three dimension and degeneracy of cnergy levels, corcopt ora potential well and barrier, step potential, penetration through rectangular barrier, reflection and transmission coefficients, barriers with spocial shapes (graphical representation), quantum mechanical tunneling .
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