pdusu exam paper Ecology


Basic concepts in ceology, its mcaning and history. Concepts of limiting factors. Ecosystem: Biotic and abiotic factors.
Ecosystem: Production, consumption and decomposition in an ecosystem: Concepts of food-chain, food web, trophic structure, ecological pyramids Biogeochemical cycles of O, CO,, H20, N, P and role of microbes.
Ecosystem: Homeostasis, functional aspects, productivity concepts and determination, ecotone, edge effects, niche.
Population ecology: Density, natality, mortality, age ratio and distribution, biotic potential, dispersal, growth forms.
Community ecology: Characteristics of natural communities, structure, composition, stratification.
Ecological succession: Types and patterns, concept of climax, details of xerosere and hydrosere successions.

Habitat ecology:

Brief account of fresh water, marine, terrestrial and estuarine water ecosystems.
Ecology and human future: Growth rate role of human kind in modifying natural communities in term of public health and welfare with respect to use of pesticides, conservation and pollution.
Unit - III : Schrödinger equation solutions in special eases
1. Symmetrje square well potential, refilection and transmission cocficients, resonant scanering. Bound state problems particle in one dimensional infinite potential well and finite depch potential well, energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctions, transcendental equation and its solution; Simple harmonic oscillator, Schrödinger oquation for simple harmonic oscillator and its soluion, eigenfunction, eigeavalues, zero point energy, quantum and classica! probability den sity, parity. symmetric and antisymmetric wave luactions with graphical representatinn.
2. Schridinger cquation in spherieal coordinates, Sch rödinger equation for ane detre Mom in spherical eoordinates, separation into radial and angular variables, SoANdial equation and angullar equalion, qualitative discussion of spherical harmanies, series solution and encrgy cigenvalues, stationary State wavefunction. Wave-functions of H-atom for ground and tirst excited stutes, average radius of H-atom, Bohr correspondence principle, orbital angular momcntum and its quantization, commulation relation, eigenvalues and cigenfunetions,
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